Tuesday, 15 December 2015

How To Unlock Car Door Without Key. (My Experience)

It was Thursday morning and three days holiday to look forward. Arrived early at the office's car park, making sure I had my employee's card in the pocket, grabbed my laptop bag and manually locked my old Proton Wira. I only realised the car key was still in the ignition when I sat in my office chair. Without panic, I searched "How To Unlock Car Door Without Key" on YouTube. The methods encountered were using steel ruler, phone frequency, and string. Obviously phone frequency is the most convenient method. I tried this method with my wife, I concluded this method was not workable after 15 minutes of trial. Perhaps the alarm system is not functioning. 

The next options were steel ruler and string. Luckily my colleague was assisting me and he got me a 1.5 metre long string. Applying string was tricky, it was not easy to tide the pin. Align the string left and right, finally, the pin was tided and the door was unlocked. The person who invented this method is a genius. Shoe lace can be used as well. Credit this to the inventor and thanks for saving me from unwanted expense.

This was the video I referred:

The string.
Please visit GeraldKohTV youtube channel


Vicky Ng said...

It's looked very easy to unlock the car... human are too intelligence.

Vicky Ng said...

It's looked very easy to unlock the car... human are too intelligence.